Call-me-when-you-need-me mobile response. 24/7 National Mobile Response number (1-800-737-2276) for emergency repair services.
Rescar can establish a pre-set weekly schedule of one or more days to provide inspection and repair services to identify maintenance issues before they become an emergency customer service issue, a lost load spot, or an NAR.
Dedicated, on-site repair service (mini-shop) where Rescar provides daily and immediate response to on-site maintenance needs, both reactive and preventive.
Rescar operates fast tracks, which are light repair facilities ideal for project work and online DDCT bad orders with access to multiple Class I railroads.
Increase your fleet utilization, reduce out-of-service time, and eliminate excessive freight cost with our mobile service equipment maintenance unit.
Whether it’s mechanical repair or lining refurbishment, our mobile hopper repair unit will come to you to get the job done.
Flooding can occur on a regional scale and affect multiple facilities and potentially thousands of cars. Recover faster with Rescar!